Going gluten free

Plant based diets are the healthiest. You need a varied diet to make sure you have enough of every nutrient. If you are getting various gut or health symptoms, we look to food intolerance, food allergies and food sensitivities to avoid.
A common complaint in women is bloating. It may be due to hormonal cycles as well as food intolerance. One of the biggest struggles we have in gynecology is diagnosing the cause of bloating and diet adjustment is often part of the diagnosis as well as the cure. Often bloating and gas is seen just on the menstrual period, and that is treated as any menstrual cramps are treated, or during ovulation, or as a consequence of other pelvic conditions such as endometriosis. However, if the symptoms worsen with certain foods, do not follow any hormonal pattern, or are cured by avoidance of the offending foods; then the condition is unlikely to be gynecologic and women have been told to consider going gluten free to see if this is the cause of the symptoms; but the newest data says do this with proper medical supervision. www.women's health practice.com
Gluten Intolerance Due to Celiac Disease
Women with celiac disease have an incurable, but controllable digestive condition which can cause, among other issues, some bloating. The severe forms, if left untreated, can damage the bowel, severely hamper nutrition, and lead to serious consequences. Many women who fall short of the disease formal diagnosis however are unable to easily digest gluten. This is not an uncommon disorder, and 1/200 women may in fact be affected. For women who cannot digest gluten they both feel better and have less bloating if they do avoid gluten in their diet. Most gluten that is in one’s diet is encountered in wheat, but other grains like rye and barley have gluten too. The actual disease Celiac disease is due to an autoimmune reaction to gluten proteins, including gliadin in wheat, secalin in rye and hordien in barley. Those with the most intense form of the condition will also have a problem with oats.
Possible Side Effects of a Gluten Free Diet Without Extra Nutritional Management
Gluten free diets are important for those with wheat allergies as well as Celiac disease, and these things can be tested. Nutritionists have noted that some individuals going gluten free who do not have to may wind up deficient in iron, calcium, and fiber. Furthermore going gluten free without having to can lead to deficiencies in other micronutrients, unintended increased fat and sugar consumption and increased rates of metabolic syndrome. This is not the finding of all current research. Other research says that going gluten free can increase the good high-density cholesterol, help weight control and overall have a better cardiometabolic profile. In short, there needs to be both more research, and more supervision when radical changes are made to one's diet.
How to Avoid Gluten
Many people can in fact be healthier if they do modify or eliminate gluten in their diet. To avoid gluten look for the GF certified gluten-free label. If it doesn’t have such a label, then you cannot be sure there aren’t sources of gluten in the food. In fact, there are foods, that are almost gluten free, but do have a few parts per million that might affect someone extremely sensitive. Women with the more serious forms of gluten intolerance can be fooled into complacency as the disease can be in remission over periods of time. If you feel that you may be affected by the condition, speak to your gynwomenshealthpractice.como about when and if you should have testing and likely you will need to adjust your diet.
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