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No, this bladder symptom is not normal

is not normal aging to deal with incontinence, although it is unfortunately more common than it needs to be. There is no fix if you don't even bring up your incontinence problems with your gyno. Dr. Elaine Waetjen of the University of California Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, and colleagues evaluated 9 years of data of yearly checkups from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN), a mult-icenter, multiracial/ethnic, and multidisciplinary longitudinal study of women ages 40 to 55 at baseline. Over 60% of the women with incontinence said that they never brought the topic up and that they just thought it was 'a normal part of aging.' The researchers emphasized that it's important for the gynos to bring it up, as these problems can be disabling and yet curable if a woman works with her health care provider.

Although this symptom is not normal, it is common. At least 30% of women between 25-45 have urinary incontinence, and by age 72 over 70% of women have this. There are specific types of urinary incontinence, including urge, stress, or mixed incontinence. Very few women will have other conditions such as neurological causes or conditions called overflow incontinence. There are many reversible causes of incontinence that you could evaluate with your gyno that do not mean surgery, although surgery is definitely an option for some cases:

  1. Healing the vaginal wall and fixing Vaginal Atrophy

  2. Improving your mobility

  3. Improving constipation and straining

  4. Curing low grade bladder infections

  5. Strengthening pelvic floor muscle training

  6. Mona Lisa Touch Therapy

  7. ThermiVa therapy

  8. Fluid management: don't over hydrate before aerobics class

  9. Medications if training is not successful

  10. Pessary use, they come in many shapes and sizes as the above picture shows.

  11. Physical therapy

  12. Botox of the bladder

  13. Bulking agents

  14. Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation

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