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How many sperm do you need to be fertile?

n 2010 the World Health Organization established a system of classifying male sperm counts and now we have a new standard that states that the total motile sperm count (TMSC) was the best measure of fertility; and the totals needed number in the many millions! The new way is to look at this TMSC as the best predictor of spontaneous ongoing pregnancy. Thus, it's not really a number, it's a range. Not only do they count numbers, but they categorize you into one of a variety of fairly intimidating categories such as oligozoospermia, astenozoospermia, teratozoospermia or combinations of these and azoospermia. This classification is based on values of a group of 1953 men with proven fertility. Although this classification can give you insight as to how likely you are to become a dad, it's actual predictive value is not very good as men's counts vary so much from day to day; and these studies were performed over years and have very little relationship to your chances of getting your gal pregnant tonight!


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