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This answers that post-baby question you were really wanting to ask

Childbirth can cause many pelvic floor changes, that will heal, but sometimes need attention to make sure the healing is proper and doesn't cause problems with your sexuality. Between a quarter and a third of women report painful sex after having a child. Unfortunately this is one area of gynecologic care that has not been well studied or much attention given to how to avoid these problems. All of these conditions are treatable. You need a consultation to see if you just need time, have healed properly, need medication, or need procedures. Although not available with all offices, at Women’s Health Practice we have MonaLisa Touch and ThermiVa, as well as PRP therapy that can all help address pelvic floor issues after birth. Here is a brief guide to the issues you should discuss with your obstetrician about having sex after having a baby

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Review your vaginal birth with your obstetrician, did you tear, get an episiotomy, which type of episiotomy did you get, how long did you push did you get stitches, ask about hemorrhoids, or any concerns?

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Do not have sex until you get the green light to begin to have sex.

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Find out if you have any vaginal issues such as a cystocele or rectocele, these may resolve, but can cause issues with sex. You may need a regimen of Kegel’s

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]Some of the main reasons for painful sex after childbirth are linked to hormonal changes breastfeeding, discuss any evidence of atrophy which can cause tears and pain and lack of arousal.

[if !supportLists]5. [endif]Circulatory problems may cause painful sex after childbirth as well. If the trauma of compression, by the baby’s head, compromised circulation the healing may be. slower.nThis can also lead to difficulty with dryness, arousal, or painful sex. It is termed clitoral and vaginal vascular insufficiency syndromes. Due to poor blood flow from some very complex network of blood vessels deep in the pelvis.

[if !supportLists]6. [endif]Painful sex can also be due to stress and depression, even in the absence of physical problems. It is important to bring up the topic with your gyno as all of these conditions are treatable.

[if !supportLists]7. [endif]For some women the pain with sex after childbirth may mean exercises, for some toning, for other women a change in bowel habits so that you don’t strainm for some women medicaiton, for some surgery, for some MonaLisa Touch and for some ThermiVa therapy.

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