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6 weeks after your labor and birth!

The hopes and dreams of pregnancy all focus on the birth, and the arrival of baby. As reported in the March 2016 issue of OB.GYN.News medical care in the six week period, and beyond after the baby comes needs to improve, just a bit.

Here's a list of the top concerns you need to pay attention to:

1. Bleeding

2. Easy of urination and normalization of bowels

3. When to have sex

4. How to maximize milk supply and care for your breasts

5. When and types of workouts to do

6. When to begin contraception and type of contraception

7. How to work things out (all things) with dad

8. Reproductive life plan (?how many more kids)

Most obstetricians, according to the physicians, Dr. Alison Stuebe and Dr. Sarah Verbiest of UNC have recognized there seems to then be a critical time of adjustment for mom that is not approached with the same vigor and attention we approach pregnancy care. The Childbirth Connection has been tracking what new moms experience, and most do experience some sort of individual health concerns. Even concerns that seem more mundane can still cause significant stress for new moms including acne, varicose veins, hair loss, bladder issues, starting to have sex, bowel issues, and breast changes. Most of these sorts of concerns, in the past, have been waved as something a woman should accept without question. But the Childbirth connection found that weight control, sleep loss, low libido, fatigue and back ache all contributed to the fact that 43% of new moms report stress.

The question is, how to evolve post partum care so that we maximize health for mom and baby both. It is unclear as to whether it is education, resources, focus on resolution of health issues such as hypertension or diabetes, or better treatments for specific sexual issues that occur post partum that may be the best strategies. Some are proposing we train post partum dula support. It is not just eating well, getting some babysitter time, and getting to the gym that is the solution. Some women have not followed up with their gynos at all, after they deliver and don't necessarily express what is bothering them. As with other health concerns, make a list, do some research on your own, but after those basic steps: come in to talk. That is the best way to set up for those six weeks after.


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